I recently received a call from a DNC fundraiser. I
explained to her why I was no longer donating to the DNC, but instead directly
to candidates and organizations, such as the ACLU, who were actually
accomplishing something.
The DNC has failed Democrats and the country. The DNC and
their candidates, are more interested in getting elected and enriching
themselves, than they are in actually fulfilling the promises inherent in our
Constitution. The DNC has lost touch with their natural supporters, working men
and women, and all those who are marginalized in our great country. Where are
the Democratic politicians who have brought great infrastructure improvement
and jobs to all the states in our union? Where are the Democrats who have done
something about pay inequality? Where are the Democrats who have solved the
deterioration of our inner cities, and removed the inequities in education?
Where are the Democrats who have fought the reality of the despicable racism
against people of color and their enslavement in prisons in unconscionable
numbers? Where are the Democrats who have stopped corporations from polluting
our lands, ravaging our jobs and markets and who have allowed heads of
corporations to earn thousands of times more than their workers, and then paid
those same corporations huge subsidies that amount to corporate welfare whilst
allowing them to export their jobs overseas with impunity.
During this election cycle, the DNC abandoned everything it
should have stood for, and rather than allowing the democratic process to take
place, during the primaries, used every back handed political trick to push the
candidate THEY selected down the throats of Democratic voters. There was NO
fair and square nomination process, the fix was in from the start, and only got
worse as time went on, down to vote fixing and disfranchisement of Democratic
voters in the primaries.
I hope the current leadership realizes, that if they had not
played these dirty tricks and alienated their OWN supporters with their unethical
behavior, we would probably have a Democrat in the White House now instead of
the abominations currently in power. Even if Hillary had won the nomination, if
she had done it fair and square, I feel she would have had more widespread
support among Democrats, Independents, Unaffiliated and even centrist
Republican voters. Since the DNC obviously cheated and lied, they destroyed
that possible support. Yes I think FBI Director Comey, in violation of the
Hatch Act, put the final nail in the coffin, but the coffin was BUILT by the
Democratic National Committee.
So here we are, and where do we go from here? Along with the complete revamping and
change in power of the Democratic National Committee, including a new, more
progressive platform to begin to address and fix all those problems listed in
my tirade above, I have a suggestion.
I think the DNC, starting NOW or ASAP (we only have 2 years)
should start a massive and completely non-affiliated program, to register
voters and give them voter IDs valid in their state. This effort should
register ALL voters regardless of their party affiliation, and work with law
enforcement or the DMV or whatever state agencies are necessary, to provide
voter IDs for every single eligible voter in that state. This effort should
START with the states that have the most restrictive voting laws. The DNC
should lead the way to coordinate this, working with the RNC, Green Party and
ANYONE who will help organize and fund this voter registration and
identification push. Call for volunteers of any political stripe. Forget politics, power or anything else,
and get all eligible voters who want it, the ability to vote.
The DNC and Democrats HAVE to do something to restore
peoples faith. They have to do something that will help the entire country be a
better Democracy. What better opportunity that meeting every voter face to face
to assist them with their ability to practice their franchise.
Rosalinda Baldwin
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